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PSA Houston


The Philippine Sports Association of Houston Texas (PSA) started in 2004.  Since then, PSA has been successful in achieving victory in tournaments, camaraderie amongst other team players, and displaying continuing compassion for sports.  Every year PSA is invited to several basketball tournaments.  With many inter-city tournaments, PSA has been able to give back to the community with various activities and events.  PSA continues today to maintain and promote an opportunity for all youth to express their talents.


The mission of PSA is to maintain and promote awareness of the Filipino culture and heritage through members that actively work through activities and services to foster a sense of ethnic appreciation.


The goal of the Philippine Sports Association of Houston Texas is to unite Filipino youths from around the nation to represent exceptional sportsmanship.  PSA continues to promote the sports profession among Filipino students, provide support among Filipino players and encourage camaraderie in the Filipino community.